Chelicerate phylogenomics
Scorpion phylogenomics
Sea spider phylogenomics
Developmental genetics
Biodiversity discovery
Older (archived) projects
Arthropod systematics
Basal Opiliones phylogeny
Bivalve systematics
Basal bivalve phylogeny
Protobranch phylogeny
Simulations and theory
Harvestman Hox genes
Scorpion Hox genes
Evolution of the chelicera
RNAi in Phalangium opilio
Deutocerebral appendages
Join the lab
Erika Garcia
Kaitlyn M. Abshire
Tom Coyne
Benjamin C. Klementz
Jo Jo Sardina
Lab Photos
The zoo
In the media
Videos from the lab
Hood same, number same. But it's all good.
Commencement 2023 with distinguished guests.
Congratulations, Emily!
Proud advisor moment!
Winter Commencement 2023. Featuring Dr. Emily Setton, her faculty escort, and some dope wizard robes.
Kaitlyn Abshire showing live snails to students at the UW Madison Science Expo.
Outreach event at Madison East High School.
Students handling live vinegaroons at the UW Madison Science Expo.
Kaitlyn wins the Constance Boone Award! (2023 AMS meeting)
American Malacology 2023! (It's not a peace sign or pedipalps--it's ommatophores)
Sharma Lab 2023, with the newly minted Dr. Emily Setton! (Fun fact: This is the first lab photo we have ever taken!)
Emily Setton, Ph.D. dissertation defense
Graduation swag!
Congratulations, Dr. Setton! Proud advisor moment!
The moment of triumph!
Dr. Gainett, with pink-robed faculty escort.
Three generations of harvestman biology!
Gonzalo Giribet with newly minted Dr. Gainett.
Graduation with distinction! Congratulations, Hugh!
Ben and Emily, Uruguayan coast of the Atlantic.
Lunch in the Old City of Montevideo.
Ties. Not mandatory; they just look good at the party.
Emily Setton and the evolution of body plans.
Ben and Hugh, totally not being distracted by their advisor.
Cappuccinos in Montevideo.
Ben Klementz and the origins of the patella.
Guilherme Gainett and the evolution of harvestman eyes.
Hugh Steiner, machine learning, and spider conservation.
Emily in the Old City of Montevideo.
The chelicerate evo-devo squad, 2023. (It's not a peace sign, it's a pair of pedipalps.)
Ben Klementz with living legend Mark Harvey.
Sunday street market in Montevideo.
Benjamin Klementz, securing the bag.
Lab badminton party, June 2022.
Best student prizes to Pietro, Ben, and Nicolás!
We're getting tapas!
Blind spiders at ICA2023.
Lab badminton party, June 2022.
Lab badminton party, June 2022.
SICB 2022 in Phoenix, AZ. We are very coordinated.
Meeting our academic cousins in the Boyer Lab at SiCB 2022.
Gavish-Regev and Sharma Labs' excursion to Mt. Guy, South Island, New Zealand, February 2019.
Emily deconstructs the genetics of spider legs. New Zealand, February 2019.
Guilherme revitalizes the study of whip spider development. New Zealand, February 2019.
Andrew applies rare genomic changes to decipher chelicerate phylogeny. New Zealand, February 2019.
Joint harvestman-collecting trip with the Boyer, Giribet, Hormiga, and Sharma Labs. New Zealand, February 2019.
Keeping up with the literature. Christchurch, New Zealand, February 2019.
The legendary Dr. Yasuko Akiyama-Oda with Emily Setton, a junior disciple of the Parasteatoda model.
SICB meeting in San Francisco, 2018
Thanksgiving party!
Arachnid evo-devo team in South Island, New Zealand, February 2019.
Plato, sporting UW swag.
Red chinos: mandatory lab attire. Christchurch, New Zealand, February 2019.
The biggest of the Aphonopelma hentzi hatchlings.
This is what our spider embryos see when they first hatch...
Spider hatchlings, hanging out. Photo by G. Gainett.